Arriving from training and having an ice cream is priceless. And if you have decided to make homemade ice cream instead of buying it, for a less price they will still come out 😂.

Ice creams are a frozen emulsion that p can provide you with plenty of vitamins, minerals, quality proteins and energy based on hydrates and healthy fats

The base will consist of fruit and dairy or some vegetable drink, to which you can add a lot of extra ingredients, such as cocoa, mint or vanilla.

The ingredients will depend on the nutrients you are interested in obtaining. In this way, by making your own ice cream you not only control what it contains, but you will also achieve purer flavors and healthier ingredients than those we can buy in the supermarket.

Everything points to the fact that the first ice creams emerged more than 2,500 years ago in China thanks to a method that mixed snow with honey and fruits. LUCKY, now we don’t have to go to the mountain to catch snow. With a freezer and a few ingredients there is no excess to make homemade ice cream.

If you have not yet entered the art of ice cream, it is always a good time to start. You will see that is simpler than it seems.

Yes, before continuing with the 7 recipes, write down these 3 tips:

Tip 1 .

M It is better to take the ice cream the same day it is made or for 2-3 days afterwards. Ice crystals tend to increase in size over time, so from the third day we will begin to notice a loss of creaminess.

Tip 2 .

L os home freezers are at -18 ºC, a lower temperature than the ice cream needs to be just right. That is why it is a good idea to wait a bit once we remove them from the freezer.

Tip 3 .

Recreate. It is not always necessary that you follow the recipes to the letter. Introduce other fruits if you feel like it and investigate what combinations can be good.

Hacer helados caseros de queso batido y mermelada

Whipped cheese ice cream, jam and walnuts


  • Fresh beaten cheese 0% 1 – 20 g (1 tub)
  • Raspberry jam – 30 g (2 tablespoons)
  • Walnuts – 20 g (1 handful)
  • Liquid sweetener – 2 g (1 dash)


  • Put the cheese in a bowl
  • Add a dash of sweetener and stir well
  • Heat the jam for about 30 seconds or until it is liquid
  • Add it to the bowl and put it in the freezer for 30 minutes
  • After time, take it out, add some nuts on top, stir everything well and that’s it!

Kcal : 274 kcal (with these amounts)
P proteins: 25% of kcal
Hydrates: 29% of kcal
Fats: 46% of kcal

We can make homemade ice cream with dairy products such as whipped fresh cheese. The high-quality proteins in smoothie queso fresco are perfect for repairing structures and building muscle.

Helado de aguacate, fresas, menta y miel - recetas - IND

Avocado, strawberry, mint and honey ice cream


  • Avocado – 50 g (1 piece)
  • Strawberry – 75g (4 units)
  • Fresh mint – 3 g (1 leaf)
  • Honey – 5 g (1 dessert spoon)
  • Skimmed milk – 80 g (1 splash)


  • Freeze the strawberries
  • Place the frozen strawberries in the blender glass (as long as your blender can beat them), the avocado, the mint, the honey and the skimmed milk
  • Beat until homogenized
  • Put in the freezer for 30 minutes to 1 hour and … enjoy!

Kcal : 160 kcal (with these amounts)
P proteins: 10% of kcal
Hydrates: 45% of kcal
Fats: 45% of kcal

This combination of flavors and aromas is a past. In addition, mint has a relaxing action on the central nervous system and stimulates blood circulation due to its cooling effect.

Hacer helados caseros con bebida de coco, platano, anacardos y topping de pistachos - recetas - IND

Coconut, banana, cashew and pistachio topping ice cream


  • Banana – 70 g (1 unit)
  • Cashews – 8 g ​​(1 unit)
  • Coconut drink – 30 g (1 splash)
  • Raw pistachios – 5 g (1 handful)
  • Honey – 5 g (1 teaspoon for dessert)
  • Vanilla extract – 1 g (1 splash)
  • Lemon juice – 5 g (1 pinch)


  • Soak the cashews overnight
  • Freeze in peeled and chopped banana overnight
  • In a very powerful mixer or food processor, crush the cashews into a cream
  • Add the frozen banana (leave it out for a few minutes beforehand), the vanilla extract, the honey, a few drops of lemon and the coconut drink
  • Beat until well homogeneous and pour into a mold
  • Chop the pistachios and add them to the mixture. You can remove them or leave them as topping
  • Freeze for at least 4 hours and that’s it!
  • Tip: For a creamy texture, stir the mixture every half hour until it is at the point you want

Kcal : 194 kcal (with these amounts)
P proteins: 6% of kcal
Hydrates: 66% of kcal
Fats: 28% of kcal

The liquid base of this ice cream is the coconut drink. This drink stands out for its contribution of B group vitamins (such as niacin, riboflavin or folic acid).

Helado-de-yogur-de-soja-y-mango-recetas-IND - Nutrición Deportiva

Soy yogurt, banana and mango ice cream


  • Banana – 80 g (1 small unit)
  • Mango – 50 g (1 piece)
  • Lemon juice – 10 g (1 tablespoon)
  • Natural orange juice – 50 g (4 tablespoons)
  • Sweetener – 1 g (1 splash)
  • Soy yogurt – 125 g (1 unit)
  • Soy drink – 150 g (1 unit)


  • Put the banana, mango, lemon juice and orange juice in the blender
  • Beat until smooth
  • Now add the soy drink, soy yogurt and sweetener to taste, (if you consider it necessary)
  • Beat again until smooth
  • Pour the mixture into a container and place it in the freezer
  • So that the texture is optimal for you, move the ice cream every half hour at least 3-4 times, until you see that it is the texture you want

Kcal : 294 kcal (with these amounts)
P proteins: 15% of kcal
Hydrates: 67% of kcal
Fats: 18% of kcal

To make homemade ice cream you need a liquid or semi-liquid base (mainly based on dairy or vegetable drinks). If we add ingredients such as fruits, which also have a high percentage of water, we will finally obtain a very interesting preparation to hydrate ourselves. In addition, when we eat something cold we use energy to heat it, burning calories and making the dish somewhat lighter.

Cómo hacer helados caseros de-platano-crema-de-cacahuete-bebida-de-almendras-y-vainilla-recetas-IND

Banana ice cream, peanut butter, almond and vanilla drink


  • Banana – 80 g (1 unit)
  • Vanilla extract – 2 g (1 pinch)
  • Peanut butter – 5 g (1 dessert spoon)
  • Almond drink – 60 g (1 unit)


  • Freeze the sliced ​​banana
  • Place the frozen banana, the oat drink, the vanilla extract and the peanut butter in the blender glass
  • Beat until smooth and enjoy!

Tip: If you have a mixer and time, make the homemade peanut butter. Peel and mash the peanuts until they have a creamy texture

Kcal : 177 kcal (with these amounts)
P proteins: 7% of kcal
Hydrates: 68% of kcal
Fats: 25% of kcal

Peanut butter is in fashion and for good reason, as it is very rich and provides interesting nutrients. Of course, the homemade one, in general, will be better than the one you can buy already made, both in flavor and in the quality of the product. In the case of buying it, take a good look at its ingredients.

Hacer helados caseros de cafe - recetas - IND - Nutrición Deportiva

Coffee, cashew and banana ice cream


  • Banana – 120 g (1 unit)
  • Espresso coffee – 30 g (1 splash)
  • Cashews – 30 g (2 handfuls)
  • Cinnamon powder – 2 g (1 pinch)
  • Skimmed milk – 30 g (1 splash)


  • Freeze the sliced ​​banana
  • Place the frozen banana, the coffee, the milk, the cashew nuts and the cinnamon powder in the blender glass
  • Beat until smooth and enjoy!

Kcal : 358 kcal (with these amounts)
roteins: 9% of kcal
Hydrates: 56% of kcal
Fats: 35% of kcal

Banana, coffee and cashews make a very energetic and nutritious combo. One of its main ingredients, cashew , provides very interesting vegetable proteins and minerals such as iron, magnesium, zinc, potassium or phosphorus

Hacer helados caseros de frutos-rojos-y-yogur-griego-con-almendra-picada-recetas-IND

Red fruit ice cream and Greek yogurt with chopped almonds


  • Liquid sweetener – 2 g (splash)
  • Raspberry – 25 g (handful)
  • Cranberry – 25 g (handful)
  • Strawberry – 25 g (handful)
  • Plain Greek yogurt – 50 g (5 level tablespoons)
  • Natural almonds – 5 g


    • Put the sweetener, the frozen berries (you can buy them already frozen or have them frozen at least 4 hours before) and the Greek yogurt

in the blender glass.

  • Beat until smooth
  • Pour the mixture into a bowl and add the chopped almond on top
  • If you want, you can reserve some red berries to add on top as a topping too

Kcal : 124 kcal (with these amounts)
proteins: 10% of kcal
Hydrates: 32% of kcal
Fats: 58% of kcal

Red fruits, apart from taking care of your cardiovascular and neurological system, help reduce inflammation due to their content of antioxidant nutrients and flavonoids.

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